See and hear the latest products from Chord Electronics, Exposure, Spendor and Van den Hul, including: Exposure’s new 2010S2 and 3010S2 electronics, Spendor’s new award winning A6 speakers and A5 speakers. Chord’s spectacular QBD76 DAC will be on active A/B demonstration, all connected with Van den Hul cable. Check out the fabulous new Cyan Click from Chord’s new Integrated Digital Lifestyle line and meet factory reps from Chord and Van den Hul.
“as advertised – the A6 sounds very much like one of the original S models on serious steroids. What’s hard to put into words is the effortless way in which the A6 combines the engaging naturalism of the original S models with significantly higher levels of resolution, especially through the heart of the midrange. You can hear much deeper into the mix, yet without being pushed toward the analytical end of the sonic spectrum.” – Chris Martens, The Absolute Sound, CES Show Report, April/May 2010
“The Spendor Exposure system was sounding quite nice – offering some punch, detail and a bigger sound than the price or size of the system would seem to allow. The sound was crisp and clean and seemed neutral yet involving.” – Richard Austen, Dagogo, CES Show Report, March 2010