Hear Chord, Vienna Acoustics and VDH at CES 2017 **

We were extremely busy at CES and for us the show was an unqualified success.

Once again we had one of the large three-room suites on the 34th floor of the Venetian hotel. In one room we did our CanJam-type headphone presentation along with room partner Audeze. Visitors were treated to listening sessions with all the Chord DACs and the latest headphones from Audeze.

On Thursday we hosted a major press-only event at which we launched three new Chord products; Poly, Blu MkII and Hugo 2. With over 20 members of the press in attendance it was standing room only. We were thrilled with the turnout and enthusiastic reception of the new products.

The main system featured the Chord Red Reference CD player, CPA 5000 preamp and SPM 6000 monoblocks, all in a new casework with a very modern, high-tech look.  Speakers were Vienna Acoustics The Liszt and cables were Van den Hul’s top-of-the line Platinum interconnects and Cumulus 3T speaker wire. The sound was, well, you really you had to be there.

In the third room we demonstrated a three-piece Choral system consisting of Chord’s new Blu MkII CD transport, DAVE DAC and Mezzo power amplifier, with Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Concert Grand speakers in striking piano black finish. With the new Blu MkII and DAVE this elegant and compact system delivered incredible musicality and effortless life-like dynamics in a fairly large room.

As if that wasn’t enough, we also demonstrated a system featuring the HugoTT DAC, TToby power amp, Vienna Acoustics Haydn bookshelf speakers connected with Van den Hul wire. If you’re looking for a small system that can sit on a bookshelf, kitchen counter or office credenza, that delivers true high-end sound, this is a great choice.

Click HERE for information on the three new products launched.