Hear Spendor D9s and SP200s with Audio Research

This event featured the brand new Spendor D9 and SP200 loudspeakers at New Orleans dealer Wilson Audio. Jay Rein made a presentation on Spendor and Dave Gordon made a presentation on Audio Research. You can see video of these presentations on the Wilson Audio facebook page. A large, knowledgeable and enthusiastic crowd enjoyed three different Spendor/Audio Research systems in three different listening rooms! Thanks to Doug and the crew at Wilson Audio for a great event. You can hear these magical systems at Wilson Audio, 3133 Edenborn Avenue, Metarie, LA. Tel: 504-888-8851. We will give the last word to Audio Research’s Dave Gordon…

It was great to have Audio Research electronics paired with Spendor speakers in a variety of systems at Wilson Audio, in every case there was a wonderful synergism. From the SP3/1R2 to the D7 to the D9 to the SP200. We were thrilled with the sound in every Spendor-ARC system, and so was everyone in attendance.

Dave Gordon, Audio Research